Big Tex Page 5
"No, but you'll get to cuddle with us, how much better is that than a simple mint on your pillow?" Willow exclaimed.
"That's for sure!" Brody said as the doorbell rang. "Ah! Pizza!"
Sierra went to answer the door, but instead of the pizza delivery guy, she found Joshua holding a box. "Hey, is Willow home?" He asked.
Sierra stood there in shock before she moved aside and told him to come in. Brody and Micah looked at Willow, confused.
"Um, Brody, Micah, this is my ex-boyfriend Joshua. Joshua, this is Micah and Brody, our…um…friends from Texas." She stammered out as the guys shook hands. "Now, would you care to tell me why you're here?"
"Well, you left so fast the other night, I still had some of your stuff at my house, and I thought I should bring it back. I'm sorry to have interrupted. I didn't think to call ahead." He apologized.
"That's ok, we were just leaving, or at least I was anyways." Brody said and gave Willow a hurt look as he grabbed his luggage and walked to the door.
"No, wait! Brody come back here." Willow yelled.
Brody turned to look at her. "And ya'll were worried about me and Lisa?" He asked as he walked out the door.
Willow ran after him and caught him waiting for the elevator. "Brody, wait. Did you not hear the part where I said he was my ex-boyfriend? We broke up as soon as I got back to New York. It's been over for a while, I just never really had a reason to end it. When I met you, I knew I had to be rid of Joshua for good. The first thing I did when I got back here was go to his place to break it off. There is no reason to be upset over this."
"You had a boyfriend and didn't tell me Willow!" Brody yelled.
"I didn't tell you because it didn't matter. We were done and over with. I wanted to be with you, not him. Please come back to the apartment. Trust me, there is no reason to be upset over Joshua. If anything, I should be upset. I think he was checking you out!" Willow chuckled slightly over Joshua checking Brody out. She grabbed Brody's hand and started to pull him back to her apartment. He hesitated to follow her for a minute, then let her lead him. When they to the door of her apartment, Willow turned to Brody and kissed him. "I'll tell you a story about him later. Just trust me, ok?" She asked as Brody nodded his head.
They walked back in the apartment and found that Joshua had left. He had taken the stairs to avoid them at the elevator. As they were getting ready to shut the door, they saw the pizza guy. "Finally! I'm starving!" Micah yelled. "All this drama really gets my appetite going!"
They all laughed and dug into the pizza. As they sat there over pizza and beer, Willow told them the story of how she had found Joshua that night. They all laughed and Brody and Micah thought she had handled it surprisingly well. "See, do you think I would have handled it as well as I did if I still had feelings for him?" She asked Brody. "All I know is that if he tries hitting on either you or Micah, he's going to face the wrath of me and Sierra." Willow laughed.
Later that night, the guys were having trouble keeping their eyes open. The girls decided to call it a night and led Brody and Micah to their bedrooms. They all changed and fell fast asleep, with Sierra in Micah's arms and Willow in Brody's arms.
The next morning, Brody woke up feeling refreshed. When he opened his eyes, he saw Willow's face looking so sweet and peaceful. He watched her for about fifteen minutes before he could no longer resist the urge to kiss her. As his lips touched hers, she let out a soft moan.
Brody reached up his hand to stroke her cheek. She smiled as she felt his hand come in contact with her cheek. "Good morning!" She whispered as she stretched a little. "Did you sleep well?"
"Better than I have in years." Brody said as he smiled at her. "I am so glad that I'm here and even more happy that I met you."
Willow smiled. "Me too." She turned her body so that she was laying on her side and was facing him as he lay on his side. She kissed him long and deep as he put his hand on her waist. His fingers found the hem of her tank top and lifted it up a few inches. He traced circles on her bare skin, along her waist and back. Brody rolled them so that Willow was laying on her back and he was laying half on top of her. His hands slowly made their way up the front of Willow's tank top and rested on her breasts. As soon as his hand made contact with her nipple, a wave of pleasure flooded both Willow and Brody. Brody groaned into Willow's mouth and then broke their kiss. Both of them were out of breath, panting hard. As they looked into each other’s eyes, Brody removed his hands from her breasts.
"I'm sorry. I think I got a little carried away." He said to her.
Willow was shocked. "Huh?" Her head was clouded with want.
"I should have done that so soon. We barely know each other. I'm sorry! I don't want to ruin what we have"
"Oh, ok. I guess you're right. Glad you have some control because I sure lost all of mine!" Willow giggled.
"Trust me, it’s not that I don't want to, because I do…if that isn't obvious." He said looking down at the tent formed in his boxers. "I just think we should wait a little while."
"That's fine. How about we go make some breakfast? You might want to wait a few minutes to come out though." Willow said with a smile as she gestured to his 'tent'.
"Yeah, I'll meet you out there." Brody said and gave her a quick kiss before she went to the kitchen.
Willow had finished making the French toast and pancakes and Brody still hadn't come out. Micah and Sierra appeared as soon as they smelled the food. She started worrying about him and decided to go find him. He was still lying on the bed where she had left him half an hour ago.
"Hey, I thought you were coming out." Willow said as she crawled up the bed towards him.
"Well, I was going to, but I can't get rid of my little problem." He said, a little embarrassed. "I can't stop remembering the feel of your skin, the smell of you, the taste of you. Ugh, it just won't go away! God, I feel like I'm a teenage, not 32 years old!"
"You want me to help? Maybe there's something I can do." Brody shook his head no at Willow's offer. "Ok, then just put on a long shirt, something that will cover it. I'm sure once you get around Micah it'll get better. Or just think about Joshua checking you out." She said with a laugh.
"Damn Willow, I don't want to lose my erection for the rest of my life, just for right now!"
"Sorry. Put a shirt on and come out. Breakfast is ready!" She said, gave him a kiss, and jumped off the bed.
Brody came out a few minutes later with a long button down dress shirt on with a pair of khakis. His face was red with embarrassment, hoping that no one would notice his little problem. They all ate breakfast and talked about what they were going to do that day.
"Willow, will you take me shopping?" Brody asked.
"Shopping for what?" Willow asked back.
"Clothes. We plan on taking you both out to a club tonight, and I don't want to look like a hick, so I though you could take me to get some city clothes." Brody explained.
"Sure Country Boy. Whatever you want. Does this mean I need to give up your nickname?" She teased.
"Never." He said and leaned over to kiss her. "After all, you can take the boy out of the country, but ya'll can't take the country out of the boy."
Willow took Brody out shopping that day and dragged him all over the city. She was surprised at how much Brody actually liked to shop. At the end of the day, he had bought a lot more than just an outfit to wear that night. He had bought a few suits for work, new jeans and pants that were loose and completely different from the Wranglers he wore at home, and a bunch of shirts. He was quite proud of his new wardrobe, as was Willow. He had good taste in clothes, as long as they went to the right stores. And though she hated to admit it, she thought he looked pretty sexy in his 'cowboy clothes' too.
The group of four got together and went out for a nice romantic dinner before heading to the club. The guys seemed like they were enjoying their visit to the city, even though Micah and Sierra sat inside the apartment most of the day. They did make a trip to Central Park and went
on a carriage ride, but for the most part they stayed in and talked and got to know each other.
After dinner, they walked to the club, which was only a few blocks away. The night was chilly, so Brody and Micah walked with their arms around the girls. The club had a long line of people waiting to get in, and instead of waiting in line, Willow and Sierra walked straight up to the bouncer, who let all four of them in. Willow and Sierra went to the club quite frequently, and they were always let right in.
Micah and Brody looked around the club once they got inside. There were bars on all four sides of the large room, with the dance floor in the center. Tables were set up on the outer edges of the dance floor, and there was a balcony over the far wall with another dance floor and bar.
Sierra led them to an empty table near the dance floor. A waitress came over and took their order. Sierra ordered them all beers, and before the waitress could walk away, Willow grabbed her and told her to bring over 8 red-headed sluts. Brody and Micah looked at her curiously. When the waitress returned, she had the 4 beers and 8 shots. They toasted to the guys trip to New York and to a wonderful weekend.
After everyone drank all of their shots, Brody pulled Willow on the dance floor. "I know ya'll won't two-step with me, but I bet you'll dance with me here." He said to her.
"You got it. How could I turn you down?" She asked.
They found a small spot on the dance floor where they were able to dance. Willow was impressed at how well Brody danced. Things were heating up between them on the dance floor when the DJ played "Closer" by Nine Inch Nails. Between the flashing strobe lights, the thumping bass, the heat, and the grinding that Willow and Brody were doing, she wanted him right then and there. Willow was so turned on, and when Brody rubbed against her, she could feel how turned on he was too. She looked at him with desire-filled eyes. She wanted him more than she had ever wanted another man in her life.
Willow stopped dancing and pulled Brody to her, grabbing the back of his head and taking his lips with her own. He wrapped his arms around her tightly and broke the kiss to trail soft but hungry kisses down her jaw-line to her neck. As he was making his way back up to her mouth, Brody felt someone tapping his shoulder. He turned to see Micah standing there with a knowing look in his eyes.
"Man, you look ready to ravish her right here on the dance floor in front of all these people!" Micah yelled, smiling.
"I think I would have if you hadn't come over." Brody looked embarrassed.
"Sierra's looking for you Willow. She wants you to go to the ladies room with her." Micah said and pointed to where Sierra was.
Willow sent a seductive smile to Brody before she left the dance floor to find Sierra. "Ugh, she's going to kill me this weekend. I have never lost control like that before!" Brody told Micah. Micah shot him a knowing look, feeling the same thing about Sierra.
Willow found Sierra and went with her as they made their way to the ladies room. Willow told Sierra what happened and said that she completely forgot that there were other people around them. She said that it seemed like her and Brody were the only two people in the club.
Sierra told Willow that she was having a great time with Micah, and that she couldn't wait to get home to be with him.
"Thanks for the warning. You want me and Brody to go somewhere for the night?" Willow offered.
"No, but if you hear any screams coming from my bedroom, just ignore them." Sierra laughed.
The girls left the bathroom to find the guys. They were sitting at the table waiting for Willow and Sierra, but they weren't alone. Standing in front of Brody was a bleached-blonde girl, who kept trying to put her arms around Brody's neck. Sierra looked at Willow and said "Stay calm."
"Like hell I will." Willow said to Sierra. She watched as Brody kept trying to pry the girl off him, but the girl wasn't taking no for an answer. Willow walked up to her and tapped her on the shoulder. The girl turned her head to look and Willow. "Get the fuck off my boyfriend bitch! Can't you see he doesn't want you?" Willow yelled.
"Fuck you bitch. He's coming home with me tonight." The blonde slurred.
"I'll only tell you one more time hooker! Get the fuck off my man, NOW!" Willow screamed.
The blonde waived her hand in Willow's face as if to dismiss her.
"I warned you." Willow said as she spun the girl around to face her and then punched her in the face. The drunk blonde stumbled, then fell to the floor. Brody sat there in shock, as did Micah. Sierra pulled Willow away from the girl before she hit her again. She led her to the other side of the bar and the guys followed.
Brody smirked at her. "Your boyfriend? Only friends? Which is it Rocky?"
"I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me. I'm never like that. I just got so pissed when I saw her hands all over you. Will you forgive me?" Willow asked, slightly embarrassed and still annoyed at the girl.
"I'll forgive you if you answer my question." Brody said.
"You know, I'd love for you to be my boyfriend Country Boy, but long distance relationships just don't work." Willow said sadly.
"Well, you never know unless you try. Give me a chance Willow. That's all I ask!"
Willow nodded her head. "Ok. I'll give it a try." She said with a smile and then Brody kissed her.
"Here we go ladies and gentlemen, last songs of the night. A double shot of Green Day for ya." The DJ announced.
Willow looked at Brody as if to ask if he had anything to do with it. He held up his hands innocently and then dragged her to the dance floor as "Time of Your Life" came over the speakers. Willow and Brody danced so close together as did Sierra and Micah. Brody ran his hands up and down Willow's back as he sang to her while they danced. Willow was truly happy to be in his arms.
'Closing Time' came on next and Willow looked up at Brody and whispered "Take me home Country Boy." He nodded and grabbed Micah and Sierra and headed for the door.
Because the girls' apartment was within walking distance from the club, the four decided to walk rather than take a cab. Even though they were all tired, they walked fast since it was a cool night. By the time they got a block away from the apartment, they started to run. They all wanted to be inside the building more than anything.
As soon as they walked into the apartment, Sierra dragged Micah into her room. She turned to look at Willow and said "Remember what I said!" Then she laughed and closed her door.
Brody gave her a look as if to say 'What was that about'. Willow laughed and said "Don't worry, we'll just have to turn the music up louder." Brody finally caught on and smiled. He walked over to Willow and picked her up in his arms. She turned her head and kissed him as they walked into her bedroom. He shut her door with his foot, then walked over to the bed and gently laid her down. He walked over to her stereo and asked what she wanted to listen to.
"There's a CD I just made already in there. Just push play, and turn the volume up to about 10." Willow said. The first song that played was 'Breathe' by Faith Hill. Brody walked over to the bed and stood next to it, just looking down at Willow's face.
Willow got up on her knees and went over to the side of the bed to be in front of Brody. They stared into each other’s eyes before he drew her near for a hot and passionate kiss. Her hands went from his shoulders to the buttons on his shirt. After she had the buttons all undone, she pushed the shirt off his shoulders. He let it drop to the floor and broke their kiss to pull his wife beater over his head.
Willow backed up a little to look at his bare chest and arms. She ran her index finger from his jaw, down his neck, to his chest, then his stomach. His chest was so smooth and hard, and very nicely tanned. Her blood was pounding in her veins, aching to have him in her. Brody pulled her closer to him again as he kissed her neck. His hands found the hem of her shirt and he lifted it over her head. His finger traced the cup of her bra, then he pulled her close again. As his arms encircled her body, he found the snap of her bra and unsnapped the hooks. He slowly slipped the straps down her shoulders and then let it fall to the
Brody climbed up on the bed on his knees, the same way Willow was. He took her in his arms and felt her bare breasts against his skin, and it was almost enough to make him lose it. He slowly laid her back on the bed and laid on top of her. His eyes searched her eyes for a minute, then asked her if she wanted to stop.
"No way Country Boy! I want you so bad. I need you. Please don't stop." She said breathlessly.
The song on the CD changed to 'Cowboy Take Me Away' by the Dixie Chicks as he started to kiss her chest and quivering stomach. He undid her pants as he kissed her, then slowly slid them down her legs. After riding her of her pants, he crawled up the bed to lay next to her. He grabbed her hand and kissed it, rubbing his thumb over her knuckles.
"Is your hand ok Rocky?" He asked between kisses.
"Yeah, its fine. I'm really sorry about that. I just got so jealous and so angry. I'm not usually like that."
"It's ok. Just don't make a habit out of punching everyone. She deserved it though. I have to say, if the roles were reversed, and I saw a guy hanging on ya'll like that I'd have done the same thing." He said as he looked into her eyes. He kissed her again and she ran her hands down his stomach. "God, you make me so nervous." He whispered as her hands reached for the button of his pants. "If ya'll want to stop, do it now, because once you undo my pants, I think all my control will go out the window."
"I told you I don't want to stop." She said after unzipping his pants. "You know, you make me nervous too. But my desire far outweighs my nerves." She said as she slipped his pants past his ankles. She stood from the bed and walked into her bathroom and reappeared seconds later with a box of condoms. Willow stood next to the bed and slowly pushed her panties down her legs, then stepped out of them and crawled back on the bed.
Brody slipped off his boxers and rolled on a condom. Willow gasped as she watched. "Now I see why they call you 'Big Tex'!" She teased. Brody laughed and laid between her legs. He prepared her for his entry, and as he took her, Green Day's 'Time of Your Life' played over the stereo.