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Page 12

  Brody and Micah showed up at dinnertime carrying bags of Chinese takeout. They even brought some for Lauren, after having cleared it with her doctor. They all ate together and talked about the preliminary plans the girls made for the wedding. Brody agreed that a November wedding would be perfect, so they decided on November 28th, the Saturday after Thanksgiving.

  "Oh, and I talked with my mom when I went home, she said that she has some good candidates for us to interview for the maid position. She told them to come first thing tomorrow, so that we can meet with them before coming back here to see your mom." Brody told Willow.

  "Ok, that's fine. I hope they're all old and wrinkly!" Willow laughed.

  After another hour, the kids left Lauren for the night. They told her to get some more rest and that they'd be back in the morning. As they were walking down the hall, Willow stopped. "Hey, can you guys wait for a second? I need to ask my mom a question." Everyone nodded and Willow went back to Lauren's room.

  Lauren was surprised to see Willow back already. "Hey Mom, I have a quick question. Do you think that you have a spot for me and Sierra in your company? I know we're going to run it while you're in here, but once you get out and you'll be able to take over again, will you still have room for us?" Willow asked.

  "Of course! Why are you asking?" Lauren said.

  "Well, I just think it will be easier to finally take the plunge and move down here. I don't think I can be away from Brody anymore, and I want to be closer to you again. I just wanted to make sure that we'll have jobs before I call my boss tonight and tell him I quit." Willow explained.

  "You know I will always have a job for you honey! Besides, if I get out of here, I'll need a few months to recover, and I don't know if I will ever want to go back to work full time. So just get used to running the company, ok?" Lauren asked.

  "You'll get out of here and be back to your old self in no time!" Willow kissed her mom's cheek. "Thank you, I love you, and gotta run!"

  Lauren laughed as Willow walked out of the room. She was happy that Willow had finally made the decision to leave New York and move down to Texas.

  Willow left the room as if she was floating on air. "What was that about?" Brody asked her when he saw the smile stretching across her face.

  "Oh, just a little business to take care of." Willow said with a smile.

  When the group got home, Willow pulled Sierra aside and told her that she plans on quitting her job in New York to stay in Texas.

  "Oh, thank god! I've wanted to do the same, but I haven't wanted to leave you alone in New York. When are we going to do this?" Sierra asked, dancing around giddily.

  "Well, I'm going to call our boss after I talk to Brody. I don't want to make this decision final without his input." Willow said.

  "Ok, well let me know so that I can be there when you call." Sierra said and went in search of Micah to tell him the good news.

  Willow found Brody in the study looking over some of his designs. She went and sat on his lap and gave him a kiss.

  "Can I talk to you for a minute?" She asked him. He nodded. "Well, I was just thinking. Mom is going to need my help around the office for a while, and even if she is ever able to go back to work, she will still need me down here. How horrible would it be for me to move here?" Willow asked.

  Brody didn't say anything. He felt as if his heart had stopped. His eyes searched Willow's face to try to read her mind. "Are you joking about this?" He asked.

  "No, I'm serious. I mean, we're going to be married soon, and I know you don't really want to go to New York. Yes, it'll take me some time to get used to the culture down here, but with you by my side, it'll be worth it. I will be close to everyone I love, how can it be bad? Besides, New York isn't all that appealing anymore." Willow explained.

  "I'm only going to ask one more time. Are you sure about this?" Brody asked.

  "Yes, I am. I'm going to call my boss as soon as I get you’re ok." Willow said looking into Brody's eyes.

  Brody jumped up, almost knocking Willow to the floor. He gave a hoot of joy and picked Willow up and swung her around. "You have just made me so happy! Call your boss, tell him you're done!" He said shouting with laughter. "Pinch me, am I dreaming?"

  Willow laughed at Brody's happiness. Once he calmed down, she asked, "One more thing, do you want me to live with my mother?"

  "Girl, get real. You're never leaving this house! I want this to be our home, the one that we raise our family in. It seems so cold and empty without you here, I want you to stay here with me from this day forward, for the rest of our lives!" Brody answered her.

  "Ok, that's settled. Let's go find Sierra so we can quit our jobs!" Willow said.

  They found Micah and Sierra in the kitchen making a snack. Sierra turned to Willow and asked if everything went ok. Willow nodded her head and told her it was more than ok.

  "Brody, is it alright if I stay here with all of you until me and Micah get our own place?" Sierra asked.

  "You are welcome to stay as long as you want, as long as it's okay with Willow, since this is her house now too." Brody told her.

  "Well, I feel like my opinion doesn't matter, but I would like for you to stay here." Willow said.

  "Dial that phone girl. Let's do this!" Sierra shouted to Willow.

  An hour later after, Willow and Sierra got off the phone. Their boss wasn't happy about losing both of them and tried to make them offers that they couldn't refuse. No matter how high he went on the salaries, and how many extra perks he added in, the girls stood firm that they were leaving and moving to Texas. He told them that if they changed their minds after a month, his final offer still stood, and he would have their jobs for them. Willow and Sierra thanked him and hung up the phone.

  When the guys heard how much they were offered, they couldn't believe the girls turned it down. It made the guys happy to know that they were worth more to the girls than a lot of money. Brody went to sleep that night happier than he ever thought he could be.

  The next morning Willow and Brody got up early to interview the candidates for the maid position. Maggie had done a good job narrowing the field down, and they had a tough time deciding between the three that made it through the first cut. They finally settled on an older woman who was in her late 50s. Stella was a widow with three grown kids. She came with glowing references and was able to start the next day. As she left the house, she thanked Willow and Brody and told them how much she appreciated the opportunity they were giving her.

  Willow smiled at the sweet woman and said, "Well, as long as you don't try to kiss my fiancé like the last one did, I don't foresee any problems."

  Stella laughed and even blushed a little. "I don't think you'll have to worry about that. He's all yours, and any woman who can't see that is a fool. Have a good day." She turned and walked to her car, giving a final wave before she left.

  After Stella left, Willow called one of the other women they had interviewed and hired her for her mother's house. She thought she would be perfect for when Lauren was recovering because she also had a background in nursing.

  An hour later, the group of four headed to the hospital. Lauren's condition hadn't changed much from the day before and she was still in good spirits. She spent time with Willow and Sierra, telling them things they would need to know about the upcoming week at the firm. The girls assured her that everything would be taken care of. Brody and Micah offered to help in any way that they could, which made Lauren feel better about all the work she was 'dumping' on the girls.

  Willow told her mom about the conversation they had with her old boss in New York the night before, and Lauren was shocked at how much money they turned down. It was just another example to Lauren that she did a good job in raising Willow, when she turned down all that money to stay with the people she loved.

  A few hours later, an older gentleman poked his head in Lauren's room. A smile spread across Lauren's face when she saw who it was. She introduced the man to everyone as her 'friend' Tony. Then
she said, "Not to be rude, but would you guys mind going home? Tony and I have a date." Willow looked shocked that her mother would kick them out of her room, especially for a man. "Sorry, that didn't come out right. You guys don't need to stay here during all your free time. Your lives shouldn't stop just because I'm in the hospital. Go out and have some fun. Celebrate Willow's birthday, or celebrate their engagement. Whatever you do, just have fun. You've all been too worried about me. Come back tomorrow after you get out of work. If I need anything, I'll call, okay?"

  They all agreed and said goodbye to Lauren and Tony. They decided to take the boat out on the lake and have a picnic. They knew it would be a rough week for everyone, so it would be good for them to relax all day.

  Willow and Brody sat on the dock swinging their feet in the water. He put his arm around her and told her that no matter what happened, they would get through it together. As they sat there talking about everything happening in their lives, Micah raced up on the jet ski. He cut a sharp turn right in front of Willow and Brody, sending a spray of water up to soak them. Willow and Brody both jumped up, causing the dock to wobble and throw them off balance. Both Willow and Brody fell into the water fully clothed. Micah sat on the jet ski watching and laughing. When Willow and Brody both resurfaced from being under water, Micah started clapping and said "I give that a 9.5 out of 10."

  "You idiot, we were talking." Brody yelled at him.

  "Well, you need to loosen up. Today is a day to have fun, remember?" He told them. Just then Sierra pulled up on her jet ski and laughed when she saw Willow and Brody in the water.

  "He's right Brody, today is our fun in the sun day. Tomorrow it's back to work." Sierra said between giggles.

  Willow and Brody looked at each other and began laughing. They knew Micah and Sierra were right, and they just needed to loosen up a little. After that, all four of them spent the day laughing and joking with each other, not worrying about anything else that was happening.

  The next morning, Willow called a meeting as soon as they got into work. Once everyone was in the conference room, Willow took the floor to inform the employees as to what was happening. "As most of you know, Brody and I had to rush my mother to the hospital on Friday night. The doctors found a tear in her aorta, which they feel can be mended through surgery. Unfortunately, she isn't strong enough to undergo that surgery at this time, so she is still in the hospital trying to regain some strength. After the surgery, she will have a long road to recovery ahead of her. Until Mom is able to come back to work, Sierra and I will be running the company. If during this time you have any questions or concerns, please address them with Sierra or I only. Now, that being said, does anyone have any questions now?"

  "Will Lauren be ok?" One man asked.

  "From what the doctors say, yes. They told us that worst case scenario would be a heart transplant." Willow responded.

  "Who will our clients meet with?" A woman asked.

  "Well, that will depend on the nature of the business. Most likely they will meet with both Sierra and I. I know that a lot of the clients don't welcome outsiders, in which case Brody will accompany Sierra and I until they get used to dealing with us." Willow stated. "Any other questions?"

  "Are you and Brody engaged now?" The same woman asked.

  Willow looked at Brody and smiled. "Well, it’s not really something that needs to be discussed at work, but if it will stop the rumors from flying, I'll tell you. Yes, Brody and I are engaged and the wedding is set for November. Now, are there any more work related questions?"

  No one spoke up. "Ok, you are all free to go. Oh, one last thing. Please be professional about all of this. Don't act like little kids with a substitute teacher. We know what goes on here and what needs to happen. Get your work done and we won't have any problems." Everyone stood up and made their way out of the conference room. Willow and Sierra headed to Lauren's office to get some work done.

  Throughout the day, people kept stopping in to see Willow and Sierra to ask questions about Lauren and to get help on designs. The girls were so busy that the day flew by. Before they knew it, it was time to go home and head to the hospital. When they got to Lauren's room, they saw the doctor in there with her.

  When the doctor saw them, he waved them into the room. He told them that Lauren was finally strong enough to undergo the operation, and they had scheduled it for the morning. The surgery would take about 2 hours, and then she would be in recovery for another 4 hours. She would need to stay in the hospital for at least another week after the surgery, depending on how her body reacted to it. Willow thanked him and then he left the room.

  "So, are you ready for all this?" Willow asked her mom.

  "I am. Will you all head home and come back in the morning before my surgery? The doctor gave me something to help me sleep tonight, and I'm having trouble staying awake. Go home and come back tomorrow." Lauren said as she fell asleep.

  Willow wanted to spend the night with her mom, but Brody talked her into going home, telling her that Lauren would be asleep all night anyways, and there was nothing she could do if she stayed. Willow reluctantly agreed and went home with everyone.

  The next morning, the group showed up at the hospital bright and early. Sierra and Micah went into Lauren's room first. Micah hugged her and told her that everyone at work was praying for her and wished her well. Sierra sat and held her hand, thanking her for everything that Lauren had done for her over the years. They reminisced about the past in New York for a while, telling Micah stories about when Willow and Sierra were younger. They laughed and cried as they talked. Finally Sierra and Micah left to let Willow and Brody spend some time with Lauren.

  Willow tearfully told her mom how much she loved her, and how much she meant to her. Brody thanked her for everything again and hugged her.

  Just as they were going to leave the room, Lauren called them back in. She needed to tell Willow a few more things. "Honey, I'm in a lot of pain, and I don't know if I'm going to make it through the surgery. I need you to be strong and accept it if it’s my time to go. Please don't dwell on the loss, go on with your life and be happy. I'll always be watching over you and Brody and the beautiful family you're going to have. I have had a great life in the time I've been here. You made me so happy, so proud. I can't tell you enough how much I love you and how proud I am of you. But I'm begging you, if I die, go on with your life and be happy that I'm no longer in any pain." Lauren was eerily clam.

  "Mom, if you are in that much pain, I understand if you want to go. I don't want to see you hurting, but you have to understand that it’s going to upset me." Willow cried.

  "I know it'll upset you. But don't allow the grief to take over your life. Take a few days to mourn, then get on with your life. I am fine with it and I'm asking for you to be fine with it too. If it's my time, then it's my time. I love you honey."

  "I love you too mom. I'll try to do what you ask." Willow said.

  "No, promise me." Lauren said sternly.

  Willow looked at her mom through her tears. She wasn't sure if she could promise something like that, but she knew her mother wouldn't take no for an answer. "Ok, I promise you."

  "You better mean it to or else I will haunt you from the grave." Lauren said, only slightly joking.

  Brody walked Willow out as the nurses came in to prepare Lauren for her surgery.

  Two hours later the doctor came into the waiting room. Willow looked up and saw him, and ran over to him. "Your mother made it through the surgery, but it was worse than we thought. Her blood pressure is very low right now, and we are trying everything we can to bring it back up. If we can't stabilize her in the next few hours, then we will need to put her on a machine to keep her heart beating. I will keep you updated on her progress." The doctor told her. Willow felt as if she was punched in the stomach.

  Brody held her as she cried, and Micah held Sierra. All they could do was sit and wait to see if Lauren's blood pressure would go back up. An hour later the doctor came back.
  "I'm sorry, but her blood pressure just won't come back up. Her chart says that she refuses to be put on life support, and that would be the only way we can keep her alive." The doctor told them. He looked at Willow and asked what she wanted him to do.

  "I'm going to turn around and walk to the door. When I get outside, you do whatever you need to do." Willow told the doctor. She walked out the door, with Brody, Micah, and Sierra following her. She walked out of the hospital and never looked back. The doctors pulled the plug, and pronounced Lauren Fox dead at 11:52 am.

  Chapter 14 You're Not Alone

  The rest of the day seemed to pass in a blur for Willow. Brody had called his mother and told her what happened, and she raced over to help Willow out wherever she needed her. Between Willow, Sierra, and Maggie, all of Lauren's friends and family had been called to let them know about her death.

  Maggie and Brody went with Willow to the funeral home to pick out a casket and headstone, and to plan out the wake and funeral. Maggie had made most of the decisions, while Willow gave the final ok on everything. Brody just sat by and comforted Willow. After they left the funeral home, they went to Lauren's house to pick out an outfit for her to wear. Maggie brought the dress downstairs while Willow stayed in Lauren's walk-in closet. She looked through her mom's clothes and ran her hands over the fabric of the clothes. She felt like this was all a dream, and that she would wake up and her mom would be there for her.

  Willow finally left the closet and laid on her mother's bed. She put her head on the pillow and smelled her mother's scent. She rolled over and got off the bed. Willow walked to her mother's armoire and opened it. Inside was a small key hanging from one of the pegs. Willow took the key and went to her mother's safe. She unlocked the safe with a key and found all of her mother's jewelry. She opened the box that it was all in and looked through it. Every piece of jewelry brought back memories for Willow, like the ring her dad had given her mom on their 20th anniversary, and the locket Willow had bought her mother when her dad died. It was all in there.